Our Story

It began as it always does - with a few tenacious people and a dream. The dream to become the most loved notebook brand in the world.

We are a small studio based out of the valley of Dehradun, India and made up of folks who all prefer pen and paper to think and express. Thread Notes began in 2023, with us discovering the art of bookbinding and falling in love with it. What started as a hobby soon turned into an idea for a notebook brand. Thus we took on the challenge of crafting ‘the perfect’ notebooks.

Hundreds of experiments and thousands of paper cuts later, we have finally curated a catalog of premium notebooks that we are proud of. Imbued with solid craftsmanship and timeless design, these notebooks reflect our obsession with the tiny details: the texture, the finish, how it lays and unfolds, and how it ages.

Thread Notes aims to be the brand that starts your journey with you. Staying consistent each step of the way, a companion that keeps your ideas safe within its pages, a record of your growth through the years and a champion of your endeavor. We strive to make our notebooks a part of your everyday, be it jotting down your notes, creating a sketch or refining that idea.

We can certainly dream big, but we are also aware that all of it will stay a dream without your constant support and feedback. So take a chance on us, share with us what you liked, what we can improve, become part of our story and help us become the most loved notebook brand in the world. :)